
Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik

Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik 8,7/10 4575 votes

Full text of ' RD-A156 033 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF SOVIET MILITARV BOOKS 1970-1974 1/4 T»ONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS- l OTIC FiLE cop? AD-A156 033 DNA-TR-84-112 * BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF SOVIET MILITARY * BOOKS, 1970-1974 Harriet Fast Scott William F. Scott 918 Mackall Ave. McLean, VA 22101 31 January 1984 Technical Report CONTRACT No. DNA 001-79-C-0319 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED.

London: Butterworth and Co (publishers) Ltd. Manual of auditing (The Coopers and Lybrand). Bookcraft (Bath) Ltd.

THIS WORK WAS SPONSORED BY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY UNDER RDT&E RMSS CODE B370079464 V99QAXNL12288 H2590D. D 76275 usb driver. Prepared for Director DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY Washington, DC DTIC f% ELECTE i It.‘.' N e t - t * j jf ' r *'*, ' r ty!. /■ ■ availability of abstract □ uNCLASSiF:£DtUNUMiT£0 GO SAVE AS RPT □ DT'C.jSERS 21 A3STRAC' SECURITY C-ASSIFiCATION UNCLASSIFIED 22a NAVE OF RESPQNS-BLE NDiVIDUAL Betty L.

Fox 22d telephone (Include Ares Code) (202) 325-7042 22c OFFICE SYMBOL DNA/STTI 00 FORM 1473, 84 mar 83 APR edition may oe ^sed until exnausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other ed't on$ are oosoiete UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continued) Soviet Military Tactics Soviet Military History Soviet Armed Forces Soviet Civil Defense Soviet Navy Soviet Ground Forces Soviet Air Defense Soviet Air Forces Strategic Rocke't Forces Soviet Military Training 1 * ynrw it fgtnryrgTf t 11 v m rrreffrm^rrrr^ K m. R ’i t ' £■ m r» j ■ v » j » u- ' -ifliiyiilf M Ms * PREFACE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOVIET BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ON MILITARY AFFAIRS Since the mid-1970s Western scholars have shown increased interest in all aspects of the Soviet Armed Forces.

This interest ranges from under¬ standing Soviet military doctrine and strategy to reasons for the apparent trend of militarization of Soviet society. As long as the Soviet Union maintains its military superpower status, this interest can be expected to continue. « » - g-; Information about the Soviet Armed Forces and the military concepts of the Soviet leadership requires a variety of sources. Much of the necessary data can best be obtained through a careful reading of Soviet open publica¬ tions; often these publications will be the only source. Despite its obses¬ sion with secrecy, the Soviet leadership must openly communicate with its millions of men in uniform and in reserve forces, as well as with the Soviet populace as a whole, about military matters.

Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik

Annually, Soviet bibliographies list approximately 40,000 book and pam¬ phlet titles. Between 300 and 700 of these are specifically identified under the general heading, 'Military Science, Military Affairs.' Scattered else¬ where in bibliographic publications are the titles of other books and pam¬ phlets that also deal with military and military-related subjects. These may be under headings such as 'international relations,' 'science,' 'cyber¬ netics,' 'physical-mathematical sciences,' 'chemical sciences,' 'technology,' 'construction,' 'transport,' and the like. However, the single group most useful to Western researchers interested in Soviet military power and armed forces is that given under the general heading of 'Military Science, Mili¬ tary Affairs.' The purpose of this biblioqraphy is to identify those 2,500 books and pamphlets identified in Soviet bibliographies in the category of 'Military Science, Military Affairs,' published from 1970 to 1974, inclusive. Books will be grouped by year published and by the subcategories in which they are listed in Soviet bibliographic publications.

Y J pc.> i SOVIET BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PUBLICATIONS Two basic Soviet publications were used in the preparation of this bibliography, as follows: The Knizhnaya Letopis ' (Book Chronicle) This is a weekly publication, giving book and pamphlet titles appearing during the particular week. It is divided into 31 general subject headings, beginning with 'Marxism-Leninism.' 'Military Science, Military Affairs,' is one of the general headings. Between 600 and 1,000 titles are carried each week, of which between 5 and 15 will be in the military section.


Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik

Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik 8,7/10 4575 votes

Full text of ' RD-A156 033 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF SOVIET MILITARV BOOKS 1970-1974 1/4 T»ONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS- l OTIC FiLE cop? AD-A156 033 DNA-TR-84-112 * BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF SOVIET MILITARY * BOOKS, 1970-1974 Harriet Fast Scott William F. Scott 918 Mackall Ave. McLean, VA 22101 31 January 1984 Technical Report CONTRACT No. DNA 001-79-C-0319 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED.

London: Butterworth and Co (publishers) Ltd. Manual of auditing (The Coopers and Lybrand). Bookcraft (Bath) Ltd.

THIS WORK WAS SPONSORED BY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY UNDER RDT&E RMSS CODE B370079464 V99QAXNL12288 H2590D. D 76275 usb driver. Prepared for Director DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY Washington, DC DTIC f% ELECTE i It.‘.' N e t - t * j jf ' r *'*, ' r ty!. /■ ■ availability of abstract □ uNCLASSiF:£DtUNUMiT£0 GO SAVE AS RPT □ DT'C.jSERS 21 A3STRAC' SECURITY C-ASSIFiCATION UNCLASSIFIED 22a NAVE OF RESPQNS-BLE NDiVIDUAL Betty L.

Fox 22d telephone (Include Ares Code) (202) 325-7042 22c OFFICE SYMBOL DNA/STTI 00 FORM 1473, 84 mar 83 APR edition may oe ^sed until exnausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other ed't on$ are oosoiete UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continued) Soviet Military Tactics Soviet Military History Soviet Armed Forces Soviet Civil Defense Soviet Navy Soviet Ground Forces Soviet Air Defense Soviet Air Forces Strategic Rocke't Forces Soviet Military Training 1 * ynrw it fgtnryrgTf t 11 v m rrreffrm^rrrr^ K m. R ’i t ' £■ m r» j ■ v » j » u- ' -ifliiyiilf M Ms * PREFACE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOVIET BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ON MILITARY AFFAIRS Since the mid-1970s Western scholars have shown increased interest in all aspects of the Soviet Armed Forces.

This interest ranges from under¬ standing Soviet military doctrine and strategy to reasons for the apparent trend of militarization of Soviet society. As long as the Soviet Union maintains its military superpower status, this interest can be expected to continue. « » - g-; Information about the Soviet Armed Forces and the military concepts of the Soviet leadership requires a variety of sources. Much of the necessary data can best be obtained through a careful reading of Soviet open publica¬ tions; often these publications will be the only source. Despite its obses¬ sion with secrecy, the Soviet leadership must openly communicate with its millions of men in uniform and in reserve forces, as well as with the Soviet populace as a whole, about military matters.

Pupko G M Audit I Reviziya Uchebnik

Annually, Soviet bibliographies list approximately 40,000 book and pam¬ phlet titles. Between 300 and 700 of these are specifically identified under the general heading, 'Military Science, Military Affairs.' Scattered else¬ where in bibliographic publications are the titles of other books and pam¬ phlets that also deal with military and military-related subjects. These may be under headings such as 'international relations,' 'science,' 'cyber¬ netics,' 'physical-mathematical sciences,' 'chemical sciences,' 'technology,' 'construction,' 'transport,' and the like. However, the single group most useful to Western researchers interested in Soviet military power and armed forces is that given under the general heading of 'Military Science, Mili¬ tary Affairs.' The purpose of this biblioqraphy is to identify those 2,500 books and pamphlets identified in Soviet bibliographies in the category of 'Military Science, Military Affairs,' published from 1970 to 1974, inclusive. Books will be grouped by year published and by the subcategories in which they are listed in Soviet bibliographic publications.

Y J pc.> i SOVIET BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PUBLICATIONS Two basic Soviet publications were used in the preparation of this bibliography, as follows: The Knizhnaya Letopis ' (Book Chronicle) This is a weekly publication, giving book and pamphlet titles appearing during the particular week. It is divided into 31 general subject headings, beginning with 'Marxism-Leninism.' 'Military Science, Military Affairs,' is one of the general headings. Between 600 and 1,000 titles are carried each week, of which between 5 and 15 will be in the military section.